Thursday, June 28, 2012

School's Out!

On behalf of the McKenzie Towne School Parent Association, we wish you a wonderful summer with your family. We look forward to seeing you all back at school on September 4th. We are hosting a Welcome Back event on Thursday September 6th from 7:30-8:20am on the school grounds behind the school. Families are encouraged to come early for school that morning, meet and/or catch up with other families and say hello to the MTS staff. Coffee, juice and a light snack will be provided. Our first School Council meeting and the AGM for the Parent Association will be held on September 24th beginning at 6:30pm. Agendas and further details will be sent out in the fall. Have a safe and happy summer!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

MTSPA Meeting Recap

For the month of June the MTS School Council did not meet.  The Parent Association met to finalize some beginning of the school year items including a Welcome Back Parent Event to be held on the first day of school.  The Grade 4 Graduation was added as an item to be discussed as being funded by the Parent Association yearly. 

The Fundraising Survey was discussed. Please fill out the very short questionnaire if you haven't already. Your opinion matters. 

The first meeting of the new school year will be September 24, 2012 at 6:30. It will be the AGM.

Here are the MTSC and MTSPA ratified minutes for May.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Meeting Reminder - MTSPA June 18th @ 6:30pm

Don't forget to join us for the last McKenzie Towne School Parent Association (MTSPA) meeting Monday night at 6:30pm held at the school (Agenda Link).  This will be a shortened evening as there will be no council meeting this month.  After the meeting is adjourned we will extend the round table offsite over some refreshments in a less formal setting.

If you haven't already completed the fundraising survey please do so immediately to provide your feedback on last years activities and events.  It takes less that five minutes to complete - Take the survey now.

I would also like to thank all those who made time to come out a meeting, volunteer at an event or in the school.  Everyone that has been able to give some of their precious time has helped make McKenzie Towne School a better place for our children.  Thank you!

Mark your Calendars: The First McKenzie Towne School Council (MTSC) Meeting and the MTSPA AGM will be held at the school September 24, 2012 starting at 6:30pm.  We'll target to have regular meetings on the last Monday of the month for the rest of the 2012/13 school year - dates will be set at the September meeting.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

CBE Transportation Fees Decided 2012-13

Transportation Fee Set For 2012-13

After an extensive and comprehensive review of school fees, the Calgary Board of Education has arrived at a values-based decision that we believe is the best for our system overall. From November to May, parents have had several opportunities to share their thoughts and ideas about fees with us. Thousands of parents have taken advantage of that opportunity, and we are grateful for their thoughtful contributions.

We have a diverse public education system. Over the past several months, there is much we have learned from the diverse perspectives parents have shared with us. However, the most important thing I have learned is what we share in common. Our values for public education are our common ground.

That is why the final transportation fee decision is based on values, Albertans’ values for public education. We knew from the outset of this review it would be difficult to make a decision that would please everyone. Instead, we have made a decision we believe will care for and enrich the community. It is a decision that demonstrates what our community shares in common rather than what makes us different. We believe it is the right decision.

The 2012-13 school fee structure aims to have all students charged the same transportation fee, regardless of their program. All students will have equal access to the programs and services we offer, and no student will be denied access to education based on an inability to pay.

This is the right decision for the system overall. And even better is the fact that parents helped us define what “right” means.

Naomi E. Johnson
Chief Superintendent of Schools

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

May Meeting Recap

The May MTSC meeting included an update on the new portables on the West and the 2 new ones being started on the the Eastside.  Projected school numbers and staffing over the next year was discussed.  Sports Day was a huge success - thank you to everyone who helped out.

Thank you to Grade 4 Teacher Ms. Hamilton and Grade 3 Teacher Ms. Young for discussing what they are doing in their classes.  The New Kindergarteners orientation is Friday June 8 at 1:30.

We would also like to welcome and thank Lacey S. for signing on as one of our Volunteer Co-ordinators.  She will be a great addition to our programs at MTS.

The MTSPA reviewed ideas for the Fall and possible new fundraisers and events to help parents connect with other parents creating a community within a community.  It was decided to table the June MTSC meeting until Sept 24 at our AGM.  The MTSPA for June will be on June 18 from 6:30-7:30pm.
We look forward to seeing you all there. I have attached the meeting minutes from February, March and April below. 

Ratified Meeting Minutes: February MTSC, MTSPA; March MTSC, MTSPA; April MTSC, MTSPA

Fundraising Survey

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Campbell's Foods and MTS

Mckenzie Towne School and Campbell’s Foods

are partnering to help MTS build resources for the school. You can help by remitting your labels or UPC codes from various Campbell’s products including: Campbell’s Soups, Goldfish Crackers, Pace Salsa, Prego, V8 Juices, etc.  Please send in the entire label, UPC from cases or the caps from lidded products.  For more information check out their website  As soon as we have enough labels we can redeem against a wide selection of merchandise from Books to Sports equipment.

 Thank you for helping make McKenzie Towne School a better place to learn!