Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Recap Of Meetings

January 23, 2012 was the first meeting for MT School Council and Parent Council.  This meeting was packed with updates and new ideas for MTS.  Jane Rogerson - Area V Rep; Carol Bazinet - Board Trustee; Brent Hughes - CBE and Ingrid Schmidt - CBE Senior Planner were in attendance to talk about capacity concerns at the school and to provide an update with respect to the west side relocatables.  A great deal of information was shared and the school council will be putting out additional information and a call to action for parents in the coming days.

Ms. Janet Purdy and Ms. Rachel Anderson discussed what they are doing in their classrooms to help students learn and problem solve. 

Dr. Slater and Mr. Murphy briefed us on their Feb 6-15 Random Acts Of Kindness initiative to help students learn about caring for others.  Check out February's Newsletter to find out more about it.

At the Parent Council Meeting we discussed casino spending and a decision was made to support the Trickster Theatre Company residency in 2013 pending approval from Alberta Gaming.  We will continue to discuss spending decisions, including music and technology spending priorities at our February meeting.

We are still in need of a Volunteer Coordinator.  If you are interested please contact vicechair@mtsparents.com.  Fun Lunches will be held on the last Thursday of every month.  Some upcoming fundraisers/family events include Coco Brooks pizza and the Family Valentine Dance. If you would like to volunteer for either event please contact Amy at Fundraising@mtsparents.com

Our Next meeting will be held February 27, 2012.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

MTS Meeting Reminder at 6:30 & 8pm on Monday, January 23rd

Monday marks the first School Council and Parent Association meetings of 2012.  Attached (below), you will find the proposed agendas for both meetings.  We have extended the duration of the meetings for this month, as there are some critical issues that require discussion.  Two particular areas are outlined below.

In addition to regular business, during the School Council meeting we will have special guests Trustee Carol Bazinet, Brent Hughes and another representative from the CBE's planning department, as well as our Area Director, Jane Rogerson.  As some of you may know, there were concerns raised last year about sufficient space in the school for all classes for this school year.  We were happy to receive the announcement in June 2011 of the four relocatables currently in the process of installation.  Our guests will be providing an update with respect to those relocatables.  We have also asked for some information regarding the process involved in receiving additional relocatables in future.  As our school population continues to increase, the potential need for additional relocatables exists.  We are hoping to understand what our needs may be for the next school year and what, if anything, we as parents can and should be doing to ensure our children have the appropriate space in which to learn.

In the Parent Association meeting, we will hear updates from the various committees regarding events and activities.   We have also set aside time to have a discussion regarding spending of casino funds.  This discussion began at our last meeting in November, with some spending proposals outlined.  We anticipate the opportunity to discuss the details of the proposals and make some decisions about spending for the remainder of this school year as well as for the 2012-2013 school year.  These discussions and decisions are incredibly important as they affect all students in the school.  Included in MTSPA Agenda is the proposed plan as presented in November.   If you would like to have input, comment on or have a better understanding of the details regarding the proposed plan, we strongly encourage you to attend Monday's meeting.

The School Council meeting begins at 6:30 pm on Monday in the staff room.  All parents are welcome and encouraged to attend.

MTSC Agenda
MTSPA Agenda and Casino Spending Proposal
Sean Tyson
Chair - MTSPA | chair@MTSParents.com