Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Thank you to all who attended the School Council Meeting last night.

We learned all about the what the Grade 4's  are up to including their exciting "Fossiloligy" project.  Thank you to Mrs. Barr and Mrs. Kruger for their report.

Dr. Slatter and Mrs. Reichardt reported on all the "happenings" in the school.  The success of 3 Left Feet Dance Residency (Grades 3 & 4) and the Parent Night held last week.  They also informed us of some very useful resources available to students and parents of CBE students.  Please visit CBE's main website, under student link, then CORE Resources to gain access to these resources.  Thank you Dr. Slatter and Mrs. Reichardt for keeping us well informed!

A big HOORAY for all our little Ghosts and Goblins who went door to door collecting money for Habitat for Humanity.  The Committee gleefully announced that over $4,500.00 was raised in that Campaign!

The Habitat for Humanity Committee's next fundraiser will be at the Christmas Concert selling yummy cookies and hot chocolate.  Thank you to the Habitat for Humanity Committee for educating and inspiring our children to have a sense of "Community".

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